Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Me, Myself, and I

So, today I learned a little bit about myself. And I'm really not sure what exactly that means. Like, now I know myself so well that I could predict my own reaction in ANY situation. (This is something that, I assure you, I could do well before learning this about myself). And, what I learned about myself isn't all that important, in and of itself. I've always known that I couldn't just whistle, like some people can. And it's not like I now I can't learn, it's just that I don't want to put that much effort into something that I don't care all that much about. I'd rather save the energy for something I really, absolutely, truly care about. So, on a small, right now, just this moment scale, this means very little about me, and who I am, and who I was, and who I'll be. But on the grander, metaphorical scale of my life, I think it must mean a lot, because my English-nerd brain is dwelling on it, which clearly means its as important as heck. There's always some ridiculously complicated metaphor, isn't there?


Monday, March 8, 2010

Fish & Imaginary Numbers

Today in my math class we learned about imaginary numbers. I was an imaginative kid, so (possibly helped along by Clavin and Hobbes) I have always imagined imaginary numbers as things like 'eleventeen' and 'twenty-thirteen'. But no, it's just some boring mathematical thing. Story of my life.

Also; I have a three and a half line poem I want to know if anyone's ever heard before, because I can't remember the the rest of it:

I wish, I wish I was a fish
Inside a sea of dreams
Where "something-something"
And nothing's as it seems

So, if anyone's heard that before, please try to complete it or give me a link about it.
